Hi, I’m Giorgio Fazio. I’ve been online since 1995, exploring the wild chaos of the early internet, where I started building my first website at just 11 years old. That experience shaped my journey and led me to develop a range of skills: graphic design, motion design, directing photography, and recently, a growing focus on AI.
Born in Catania, Italy, and now living in Paradiso, Switzerland (yes, it really feels like “paradise”), my path has always been fueled by people who inspired me. My brother Gianluigi Fazio sparked my passion for music and creativity, and my friend Etan Genini helped me grow professionally over the last 10 years, allowing me to become a creative director.
After decades without a personal website, I’ve finally created the most basic version possible, because, honestly, who has time to overcomplicate their own stuff?
At Valuart, I explore the intersection of art and technology, working on projects that break the mold and make you think.